Outlook Duplicate Items Remover

Free, Fast and easy tool for removing duplicate items from Outlook folders

With ODIR it's a snap to clean your Outlook folders by removing all duplicates. ODIR removes duplicates from Contacts; Calendar; Tasks; Notes and Email folders.
Using ODIR is very easy: select a folder and click the button Remove Duplicate Items. ODIR scans the selected folder for duplicates and MOVES all duplicates found to a subfolder ODIR_duplicate items. ODIR recognizes an item as a duplicate if all of the following properties match those of another item in the same folder:
  • Contact items:
    first name, last name, company name and email address
  • Appointment items:
    subject, location, start date and end date
  • Task items:
    subject, start date, due date and status
  • Note items:
    contents of the note (Body property) and color
  • E-mail or Post items:
    - received emails: the internet message ID (this is a unique identifier for each email received)
    - sent emails: email subject and the time the email is sent (PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME)
    - unsent emails: email subject only
ODIR 1.4 is FREE and doesn't contain Spyware or Adds! 

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כתב מרגש של ליאת גת, שהקריא שלמה ארצי בתוכנית הרדיו שלו על אמהות:

אני נושא את ליבך - i carry your heart with me by E. E. Cummings